Scanning Artwork & Proofing ready for print.

We are well known for the highest quality scanning of artwork. The core of our business is fine art scanning and is a key step in the faithful reproduction of your printed artwork.

Fine Art Repro

Buzzard by Annie Drew. Scanning artwork by Art4site.
Buzzard by Annie Drew

Features of our fine art scanning services


Largest scan size.

The maximum size of 'reflective' original we can scan direct is roughly 36 x 48" or 91 x 122 cm.

Perfectly sharp.

The sharpness of our scans is simply the best in class. Also, our aim is to perfect the sharpness so that the printed details in the prints are much the same as the original.


When scanning artwork, typically this is at 360 dpi resolution suitable for same size prints. However, we can scan at a much higher resolution in order to achieve enlargements where needed.

Guaranteed results.

We’re so confident that you will be happy with our scans that we can guarantee the results when combined with our fine art printing.

Fully colour managed.

Our scanner is fully calibrated using the latest colour software and use custom hardware ICC profiles for all reflective scans to ensure colour fidelity.

Retouching included.

All scans are cropped to size and we also check each and retouch the image where necessary. This can be to remove the paper colour of the originals, small blemishes and marks on the originals.

Customer supplied scans / images.

Please note that some clients already have work originated in a digital format, so no scanning is required, in this case, only proofs are needed. We can provide a free image check of your images to ensure quality.

The Proofing Process

Scanning artwork and the proofing process

Example Artwork

Summer Warmth Walk by Peter Eden
Summer Warmth Walk (detail)
by Peter Iden

The reproduction of this oil painting has preserved the surface textures of the paint. Colours are equally saturated.

Awakening by Cliff Wright
Awakening (detail)
by Cliff Wright

Faithfully capturing the variation in line of this biro drawing, with accurate tone. This prints are as sharp as the original.

Vivat Rex! by Simon Lord
Vivat Rex! (detail)
by Simon Lord

This is an example of a pencil drawing. All colours on the prints are true to the original capturing the surface fidelity.

Scanning Only Prices

  • All prices exclude delivery and VAT where applicable
  • For less colour critical work

Scanning and processing - 300 dpi (suitable for same or smaller size reproduction)

Size:Cost each scan:3+ scans (each scan)
up to A5£7.50£6
up to A4£10£8
up to A3£15£12
up to A2£20£16
up to A1£30£24
up to A0£50£40

Scanning and processing - 600 dpi (suitable for enlargements)

Size:Cost each scan:3+ scans (each scan)
up to A5£10£8
up to A4£15£12
up to A3£25£20
up to A2£35£28
up to A1£55£44
up to A0£95£76

Colour matching to originals

  • Ideal for giclée printing
  • Includes full colour balance and printed proofs for client approval

Our scanner is highly calibrated and captures the maximum possible gamut of colours, but for a more precise colour fidelity to the original we recommend our colour matching service. The following one-off set up cost includes A4 proofs that are compared with the original artwork in an ISO standard lighting controlled environment for colour balance edits and other checks. Proofs are discussed and approved with each client where required.

Setting up cost:
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Unit 1B, Briar Close, Bramble Lane, Wye, Kent, TN25 5HB, England

© 2018 - 2024 Art4site Ltd
Registered in England & Wales No. 06781031
Registered Office:
5th Floor, Ashford Commercial Quarter, Ashford, Kent, TN23 1FB